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Discover how to transform your inner stories and accelerate your business success

A breakthrough approach that has helped many coaches and healers succeed in goal line and soul line.

May 4 | Online


Do you have incredible ideas for your business but end up taking action on none of them?
Or, even worse, do you start taking action on all of the ideas
but never finish any of them and never get them out there?

Do you have a great idea for an online program and you’re coming up with a price
but then constantly second guessing whether or not that's the right price?
Asking yourself if it’s enough value? Is it too much?
Wondering if your people pay that and then doing nothing?

Do you have a hard time asking for testimonials or referrals?
Even when your client tells you that they loved it, you just shy away...

If these feel familiar, you're not alone. Many coaches and healers get caught up in a negative self-talk and self limiting beliefs that prevent them from achieving their highest potential.

This happens because we have experiences in our past that that impacted us. And then we have the stories we tell ourselves about them.

These inner stories that shape our beliefs about ourselves and what we are capable of. These stories can be conscious, like the ones we tell ourselves about why we're not good enough or why we'll never be super successful. Or they can be subconscious, playing out in our lives in ways we're not even aware of.

Either way, these stories can hold us back from achieving our full potential in business and in life. Even though it could be 5, 10, even 40 or 50 years beyond that experience, we continue to tell the same old story. 

Luckily, there is a way to break free from these stories and unleash your true power.

And my brand new workshop is designed to do just that.

Join me for the Inner Story Breakthrough workshop!

During this
interactive 2-hour workshop, you'll discover:

   √ Uncover your biggest limiting inner story that is holding you back in business

   √ Discover how to overcome limiting inner stories and transform them into empowering stories
      so that you have the freedom to create the business you desire

   √ Unlock a new level of freedom, excitement, and achievement
      so that you can achieve your goals and dreams

   √ Get an opportunity to work with Katja and get her deep insights that
     accelerate transformation of your specific situation 

   √ And so much more

Join our Unleash Your Story Workshop on Thursday, May 4th, 

at 11 am Pacific | 2 pm Eastern | 8 pm Central Europe!

This is an online workshop so you can join from the comfort of your own home.

The investment now is $27 (Valued at $197)...

The workshop will be recorded and you get the recording.

Join this workshop to discover how you can transform limiting stories to empowering ones.

You’ll leave the workshop with feeling inspired, energized and uplifted to succeed on purpose!

Inner Story Breakthrough

Workshop on Thursday,
May 4, 2023.

Once you register, you get a welcome email with a Zoom link. 

  •  11 am to 1 pm Pacific 

  •  2 pm to 4 pm Eastern

  •  7 pm to 9 pm UK

  • Workshop Leader

    Katja Rusanen

    Transformational Story Coach & Spiritual Mentor

    Katja Rusanen is a #1 best-selling author, transformational story coach, and spiritual mentor with master’s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual Science. Her pragmatic approach, combined with her spiritual awareness, helps her clients get results fast. With over 10 years of coaching experience, Katja helps purpose-driven coaches and healers overcome their limiting inner stories so that they can accelerate their Soul-aligned business growth.

    Katja Rusanen



    • 2-hour virtual workshop

    • Recording 


    Join Inner Story Breakthrough Workshop


    Special New Year Pricing

    Register before 05/01/2023






    Click the button below to register!  

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